Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What does this certain gamer lingo mean?

Could I please get a direct translation of what this means?:

"I'll pwn you, fkn noob"

thanks so much!What does this certain gamer lingo mean?This is just gamer talk for, and i quote,

"I will severely dismember you if you get in my way, new to intermediate player."What does this certain gamer lingo mean?
it means,

" he beat you to a bloody pulp, F***in beginner"What does this certain gamer lingo mean?ill hit you,fuking noobWhat does this certain gamer lingo mean?
i'll beat you really badly, you f***en newbieWhat does this certain gamer lingo mean?It means that person will dominate you because you are a beginner.

PWN= Dominate, destroy

NOOB= Beginner, newcomerWhat does this certain gamer lingo mean?
I'm going to defeat you without trying, stupid new player.

PWN = Dominate/Destroy (thank you guy above)

NOOB = derogatory term for newbie/new player
"I'll pwn you" means that hes going to own you....only worse, like he beat you. and "fkn noob" means ******* noob, or newbie. like a beginner.

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