Sunday, January 29, 2012

What is the difference between Gillette fusion power/mvp/gamer/phantom?

I was looking on a website and I found these versions of the fusion. Are they any different?

Oh and what about gamer/mvp/fusion manual?What is the difference between Gillette fusion power/mvp/gamer/phantom?Hi I'm Pedro and I work for Gillette. The only difference between these razors is the design and colour scheme. We just want to offer a wider choice of designs. The difference between power and manual is that the Fusion power requires a battery to make it vibrate which helps raise the beard hair for a closer and smoother shaving. The Power blades also have an extra coat to make them glide easier across your skin. I hope this helps and feel free to follow me on Twitter @GilletteUKWhat is the difference between Gillette fusion power/mvp/gamer/phantom?Basically, about $10-20 per refill, depending on your choice. Aside from that, no difference that I've noticed.

Oh, except that it's harder to get to those whiskers right under your nose with 5 blades than it is with or 4 or 3 or 2.... (like trying to shave those close spots with a chalkboard eraser)

The most recent Gillette upgrade/price-gouge was the last straw for me. I've given up disposable/vibrating razors altogether and now use an old-fashioned straight razor when I'm at home, and an electric/rechargeable razor when I'm abroad, or vice-versa (depends on travel constraints).

Better shave overall, and I can count on not having to apply for a 2nd mortgage to keep me in disposable blades.

Oh, and you just look better when you're shaving with a straight razor. I mean women like observing you in the act... Why they dig it is the topic of another question, but I've noticed a positive reaction...

Maybe I'll reconsider when Gillette comes out with a razor/mp3/smartphone hybrid.What is the difference between Gillette fusion power/mvp/gamer/phantom?Fusion power vibrates and needs a battery, that's what I use. MVP, gamer, and phantom are just special editions of either the fusion or fusion power razors. In my opinion, the fusion power is the best razor on the planet. I haven't tried fusion pro-glide yet, but I bet it's even better yet!

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